Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Resolutions for 2012

So, I was absent from the blogsphere (is it even allowed to say that word out loud anymore?!) for quite a while now which, I admit, ain't that appealing in a blog fresh out the oven BUT bear with me here!
Until recently I wasn't one to commit to resolutions because if I wanted to do something I just did it and that was that! However, the immediacy of teenage years doesn't transfer much to adult life... Bummer I know... And so the goals tend to be long term, with a level of commitment that challenge even the most methodical person, wouldn't you agree?

Without further ado, here are the goals I'll be focusing on throughout 2012 (and beyond!):
1. Moisturize face and body EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is a constant battle for me. Most of the time I'll moisturize my face (both morning and at nighttime) but get lazy about spreading those fabulous body butters (that smell lovely and feel so luxurious) all over my body. I feel that is time consuming but, oh so worth it! Waking up to baby skin every day is worth 5 min of lotion application in my book!

2. Reduce body fat to fit level (21-24%), ideally to athletic level (14-20%). Recently I've had my body fat tested in my local gym. I'm ashamed to say that although I'm not overweight my body fat levels are through the roof! This means that I have the kind of body fat that surrounds organs and impairs the ideal functioning of the body. If it wasn't for my young age doctors would be on my case to lose weight or else (aka popping pills). So I'm young and in my twenties it will be easier to get a hold on this. All that needs to get done is:
a) Clean up my diet: add more vegetables and fruits. Go for whole grains whenever possible. Drink water.
b) Commit to an intense workout routine: I've got my hands on the Insanity program and I'm mid-way through the first week of training. So far so good!

3. Study for at least an hour 5 days a week. Although I'm not a student per se anymore my job requires that I hit the books hard for my entire life. And every person that studies and works will tell you that it ain't easy. Time management is key. And family cooperation as well. I believe it is possible. My mom went back to college a few years back and with a little help from me and my dad she managed to do it quite easily.

4. Read 6 books. I've always been a reader but lately with work and putting some time aside to study, when it's time to read a fiction book I pass out. However, reading is one my favorite things to do and 6 books during a whole year will be both pleasurable and achievable.

5. Get Lil' Paws lots of cuddles! I'll explain. Lil' Paws is my almost-one-year-old kitty. Don't let the photo fool you! Yes, he is the most adorable kitty in the whole wide world BUT he also has huge amounts of energy to spend and when I don't give him the attention (aka play with him for about 30min - 1hour) he turns into a vicious, vicious animal. And this, as you may understand, is kind of a selfish resolution, 'cause playing with this little guy gets me into an awesome mood.

So, what are your resolutions for 2012? Leave them in a comment below!

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