Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fit Sunday

Hello everyone!
Since I'm kinda in the Health business I thought it'd be interesting to share what I'm doing to get fitter and healthier as the warmer months approach. Each Sunday I'll share how my eating was during that week as well as what I did for exercise and how I felt overall.

This week:
- FOOD: It wasn't the cleanest of weeks. I had a sugar craving most days - I blame it on sleeping little (due to loud coughing, the BF was getting over a nasty cold) and working long hours... This resulted in eating more cookies than I'd like and consuming more calories all in all because I was awake for a longer period of time.

- EXERCISE: I haven't been running much, I think the running bug kind of deserted me at some point last year but as soon as the weather gets a bit better I'm giving it a go! For now I'm sticking to DVDs that I can pop in to my DVD player and sweat a bunch right at home where it's nice and warm and rain free! This week went by like this:
Monday: Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 1
Tuesday: Jillian Michaels Shape Up Front
Wednesday: Jillian Michaels Shape Up Back
Thursday: Rest Day
Friday: Extra rest day - I passed out on the couch as soon as I got home...
Saturday: Rest day aka worked all day =)
Sunday: House cleaning day - with loud music pumping you along and a dance session every time that a song you like pops on makes it way more fun. Spent what was left of the day chillin' with the BF!

My favorite workout shoes: Oasics!

- ALL IN ALL I wouldn't say I had the best of weeks but considering the prior weeks I'd say it was a nice way to get back into the swing of things. I managed to get 2 cardio days in as well a 2 strength sessions which was awesome.

- GOALS for next week: I'd like to stick to 2 rest days and add some intensity to my strength sessions. If everything goes according to plan I'll be sweating for 2 strength sessions and 3 cardio sessions. I like to vary my DVDs which prevents boredom and keeps my body guessing. I'm getting super strict with my diet right now as things at work are still hectic (and should stay that way through March), I'll be doing my best to choose the healthiest option whenever possible. And to go with that I just made a batch of soup to last me all week!

I feel I took a bit of your time today, so I'll just let you go!
I'll see you tomorrow!

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